Carol Leaman, CEO of Axonify, highlights a profound truth: "It took me a long time as a new CEO to figure out that we were always hiring on skills and always firing on fit, values, personality, and motivation."
This observation underlines a critical aspect of talent acquisition. In our quest for the perfect candidate, it's essential to look beyond mere skills and experience. The key elements that often dictate long-term success in a role are compatibility with company culture, alignment with core values, and intrinsic motivation.
It's not just about assessing a candidate's professional capabilities; Harrison Assessments enable you to gain deeper insights into a person's work preferences, motivations, and how well they resonate with your organizational ethos.
By integrating Harrison Assessments into your hiring process, you're doing more than just filling vacancies. We're ensuring that each new member is not only competent but also a natural fit for our team's dynamics and values. This leads to a more dynamic, engaged, and cohesive workforce.
Have you noticed a difference in team dynamics or employee longevity with a more comprehensive approach to assessment? Share your experiences and thoughts below.👇
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